Segment 14 (Capuchin to Cabrits National Park) Partially Re- Routed

WNT News | February 2, 2017 | Comments 0

Partial Rerouting of Segment 14 (Douglas Bay Beach Park to Cabrits National Park )

Please note that  Segment 14 from Capuchin to Cabrits has been re-routed due to ongoing construction at the Cabrits Resort Kempinski in Portsmouth. Effective immediately, the route will continue onto the main road from the Douglas Bay area in Portsmouth, otherwise known as Belle Hall Beach, bypassing the previous trail alongside the beach. This route will continue straight in a southerly direction for a three-quarter mile and then proceed right onto the road which leads to Cabrits National Park near Monty’s Fish Grill & Bar. The route continues into the Cabrits National Park, ending near the Officer’s Quarters at Fort Shirley.

The Waitukubuli National Trail Management Unit thanks everyone for their understanding in this matter and apologizes for any inconveniences caused. The following signs have been placed at Belle Hall Beach and at the lower parking lot of the Cabrits National park.

Sign placed at Cabrits


Sign placed at Belle Hall



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